The Lord Leonard and Lady Estelle Wolfson Foundation seeks to support and promote projects calculated to promote the advancement of research and education for the public benefit in preventative medicine or surgery and research.
“A healthy lifestyle can not only add years to your life but also life to your years.”
Up to half of all deaths in the UK are now the result of health choices that people make.
Rather than curing or treating diseases and illnesses, preventative healthcare consists of measures taken to prevent disease and illness.
Preventative healthcare leads to people in both developed and developing countries enjoying longer and healthier lives.
It is the future of healthcare and, with increasingly stretched budgets, preventing disease and illness represents the most effective use of scarce financial and human healthcare resources.
These are the reasons why the Lord Leonard and Lady Estelle Wolfson Foundation is focusing on preventative healthcare.
The Foundation will fund cutting-edge research and related initiatives into a wide range of areas of preventative healthcare.
One specific area of focus for the Foundation will be the important role that art, music and architecture can play in preventing and mitigating certain illnesses and in creating innovative healthcare delivery mechanisms.
The Foundation will support pioneering research that is, increasingly, demonstrating this important cultural/healthcare link.
The Trustees’ Report and Accounts for the period ended 31 March 2023 is available here.